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Vicki's Tips - Level 40

Vicki's Tips - Level 40 - DON'T drop the side - yet. If you get the colour you need to drop the side, keep switching it with your space bar so you can hold it and try and shoot some combos so you have more spiders down the bottom for the whole lot to land on. Then, when you are stuck, drop the side with the one you have been reserving.

And use - 3 holes in ceiling AND extra Balls. Remember, if you have more than 30 balls left at the end it is a waste. The MOST amount of extra balls you get come out of the cauldron at the end is 15 so even if you have 40 balls left, you only get 15 bonus balls.

Remember, 9 holes in the ceiling drops it. Keep an eye on that too.

Bubble Witch Saga is a free game and puzzle! Along with the rules, we have free coins, videos, tips, tricks and cheats on our All Help Group website. And join our Group on Facebook for interactive support for members!