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Lynn's Tips - Level 10-9

Lynn's Tips - Level 10-9

You will first see two key locks. They are easy to open. Once you have opened the key locks you will notice quite a few skulls. Just be careful with your shots and shoot around them. I lowered the screen by taking out the bubbles under the skulls first. As you are trying to work around the skulls you will also see infection bubbles growing higher up on the board. Drop as many bubbles as possible to try and get to the infection so you can drop it also. Here on this board I have to say the best Charms (if you have them) is the skull charm and also the infection charm. If you don’t have them you can still do it. You can work your way up and continue to lower your screen. You can shoot high without trouble. There is nothing up there that can hurt you other than the infection. Once you lower your screen enough you will see the ceiling and can drop it. Use all potions.

*Please understand that I am not telling you to buy charms. I am simply saying that if you have them those are the best two to use.*

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