These are just a few things that have been learned along the way of playing and being a part of this group. We will add to this page as time goes on because as most of you know .... you never stop learning.
Nothing is free. Please be careful of scams and items on Facebook offering you free facebook coins. It isn't going to happen.
Cheat engines are available but I would not suggest that you use them. Why on earth would you want to cheat anyway? It takes the challenge out of the game and is not fair to your friends. The game is made to make you think and if they made it too easy, who would want to play?
People who purchase charms to help in the game are NOT cheaters! Their purchases are financing the upgrades and further development of the game. Also, this gives the developers a want/need to fill and a reason to make more levels for ALL of us to enjoy. It isn't necessary to have charms to beat the game. It is simple - if you want them, buy them. If you don't want to - don't. No one should judge anyone else for the choices they make.
Don't be too hard on yourself. If you can't finish a level as quickly as the next person that doesn't mean anything. Take your time. This game was made so you don't have to play it 24/7. You can walk away and come back to the same place at any time. Vicki remembers when the game first came out and she had added some bubble friends. She was like, "OMG... I have to hurry and catch up." No, I noticed that was not the best choice. I was way too hard on myself and would get very frustrated. Just have patience. YOU can do it!
There are no wrong or right sites. All of this stuff about being members of just one group and someone else is a member of another group is garbage. You pick the group/s you like and that is that. However, out of respect and courtesy to all groups, please do not copy and paste or repeat things discovered in another group into this group or vice versa.
You should never run out of lives. When you are down even one heart, you should request more from your friends. Stop what you are doing and ask for them. That way you won't run out and the extra ones you get from your friends turn into coins. ALSO...having friends who play the game is not only exciting for you and for them but it helps both of you. Sending lives and breaking spells to unlock the next level is very important.
You can surround a bomb. If you can see it, and you cannot easily drop it, but have the extra bubbles, then surround it with them and it will not go off, but avoid them if you can. Infections are a major pain. However, dropping them quickly is your best bet. Infected bubbles advance with every shot taken so you really want to knock them out as soon as possible. The Mystery Bubbles actually a favorite. You never know what you are going to get. Could be bad, could be good. They have actually helped us through a level. They dropped bubbles into the jars and the score goes up. But if you hit a bad one you are pretty much on your own. So, hit them at your own discretion.
We make every attempt to ensure that the links on the Share Your Coins with Others page are valid. If we become aware that someone has posted a broken link or a link that does not work they are removed. If you are having problems you need to come here and ask about it and it will be directed to the correct people. DO NOT please DO NOT click on anything that looks odd. That way you will protect yourself and others by letting admin know.
Many of us use an auto collect program. If you want to know a link to one in use, they are on the website. We also have an automated clicker for coins. Both have saved us a TON of time. They are very useful, self-explanatory and are tools; we do not consider the use of them cheating.
If you are receiving more posts than you desire in your inbox or notifications, then turn it OFF from the page.
Bubble Witch Saga is a free game and puzzle! Along with the rules, we have free coins, videos, tips, tricks and cheats on our All Help Group website. And join our Group on Facebook for interactive support for members!
Don't be too hard on yourself. If you can't finish a level as quickly as the next person that doesn't mean anything. Take your time. This game was made so you don't have to play it 24/7. You can walk away and come back to the same place at any time. Vicki remembers when the game first came out and she had added some bubble friends. She was like, "OMG... I have to hurry and catch up." No, I noticed that was not the best choice. I was way too hard on myself and would get very frustrated. Just have patience. YOU can do it!
There are no wrong or right sites. All of this stuff about being members of just one group and someone else is a member of another group is garbage. You pick the group/s you like and that is that. However, out of respect and courtesy to all groups, please do not copy and paste or repeat things discovered in another group into this group or vice versa.
You should never run out of lives. When you are down even one heart, you should request more from your friends. Stop what you are doing and ask for them. That way you won't run out and the extra ones you get from your friends turn into coins. ALSO...having friends who play the game is not only exciting for you and for them but it helps both of you. Sending lives and breaking spells to unlock the next level is very important.
You can surround a bomb. If you can see it, and you cannot easily drop it, but have the extra bubbles, then surround it with them and it will not go off, but avoid them if you can. Infections are a major pain. However, dropping them quickly is your best bet. Infected bubbles advance with every shot taken so you really want to knock them out as soon as possible. The Mystery Bubbles actually a favorite. You never know what you are going to get. Could be bad, could be good. They have actually helped us through a level. They dropped bubbles into the jars and the score goes up. But if you hit a bad one you are pretty much on your own. So, hit them at your own discretion.
We make every attempt to ensure that the links on the Share Your Coins with Others page are valid. If we become aware that someone has posted a broken link or a link that does not work they are removed. If you are having problems you need to come here and ask about it and it will be directed to the correct people. DO NOT please DO NOT click on anything that looks odd. That way you will protect yourself and others by letting admin know.
Many of us use an auto collect program. If you want to know a link to one in use, they are on the website. We also have an automated clicker for coins. Both have saved us a TON of time. They are very useful, self-explanatory and are tools; we do not consider the use of them cheating.
If you are receiving more posts than you desire in your inbox or notifications, then turn it OFF from the page.
Bubble Witch Saga is a free game and puzzle! Along with the rules, we have free coins, videos, tips, tricks and cheats on our All Help Group website. And join our Group on Facebook for interactive support for members!